Dear users,

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We have updated our community forums software to NodeBB. New software is easier to use, has cleaner design and will enable even better communication between our users and Conexware staff. If you have had account on PowerArchiver forums before, you will have to reset password on new forums in order to login. All previous posts and threads have been transferred to new software.

New forums are part of preparations for launch of new PowerArchiver 2017, which will start testing via community forums this month. If you are interested in testing latest and greatest version of PowerArchiver ever released, go head to the forums and join our awesome testing community. In addition to PowerArchiver 2017, testing will start on PACL 8.0, our command line software. PACL is going to spearhead PowerArchiver testing this time, with most important new engine features starting testing in PACL 8.0 beta.

If you want to contribute to PowerArchiver development, interact with our developer team, report issues or ask questions about PowerArchiver, please join our community in PowerArchiver forums.