jJesmo li vam već rekli koliko volimo svoje korisnike? Verzija PA 2009 je bila jako dobro prihvaćena. Veliki broj korisnika je kupio nadogradnju na ovu verziju kako bi imali i dodatne funkcije ili da nas jednostavno podrže, budući da se nijedna od novih funkcija nije odnosila na sažimanje – iz razloga što nismo hjeli “osakatiti” standardnu verziju ( u Pro verziju je dodana pržilica, FTP klijent, poboljšani backum i još nekoliko funkcija).
At the time, I saw some posts (on other forums and download sites, not on ours) where people doubted that Standard might be gimped in the future release (even though we said it wont be), and here is where we prove them wrong – PA 2010 is here, and most of the new features are compression related and available for all users that have upgrade to PA 2010.
As added benefit to Pro users, we sent them Beta 1 Preview ahead of time, and it seems that many of them enjoy it very much.
So there you go guys, win-win situation for everyone and we will reveal soon more new and exciting features in PA 2010 that are currently under wraps for those that are not Pro customers.