Dear PowerArchiver Users,

Please find the new update to the preview version of PowerArchiver 2023 available for download.
As we approach the final release, this is an update that addresses a few issues that were present and were reported to us from our forums.
The fixes are listed below, among a few minor bug fixes, a new Minimalistik skin has been implemented and OneDrive support has been updated with more to come.
We appreciate your patience while we finalize and release the final version of PowerArchiver 2023.

Thanks to everyone for your contributions and please check out the details below.

** Fixed in this update:

  • [PA-3031} – Files not erased from Temp folder when extracting via Drag/Drop in W11
  • [PA – 3027] – Cloud upload/download progress dialog disappear when clicking out of it
  • [PA – 3025] – Cloud: Large filesnot completing upload
  • [PA – 3024] – Cloud: OneDrive not uploading files over 100mb
  • [PA – 3030] – 7z and PA files extract archives when testing them via Shell
  • New Minamimlistik skin added plus other minor bug fixes

  • PowerArchiver 2023, with the Advanced Codec Pack (.PA), is available through our special offer that we are sending through email today and will be widely available everywhere soon. PowerArchiver 2023 is still in the process to be complete for the final release with more improvements to come. You can download the latest version of PowerArchiver 2023 preview on our download page.

    We are continuously monitoring feedback from PowerArchiver users, please join us in discussing PowerArchiver 2022/2023 and more on our forum. Thank you for your support since 1998!