Dear users,

After successful release of PowerArchiver 2011 only 2 months ago, here is the first update. Thanks to everyone for sending in their reports.

Here is the list of changes:

PowerArchiver 2011 Changes:

  • Added NRG support – added support for NRG files (Nero disc images)
  • Improved ISO support – Fixed some issues with creating new ISO files
  • Improved RAR support – Fixed specific issue with opening certain rar files
  • Fixes and improvements in backup tool – several improvements and fixes in PowerArchiver Backup
  • Other minor fixes – Total of 13 bugs were squashed in this update.

Next up will be updates to PAOP and PACL. We are continuing our work on PAF. Please vote on your desired features in our next generation format by clicking here.

As always, please Patchbeam the update or download from our download site.