Dear users,
Nach dem Testen der Vorschau-Version (Vielen Dank an alle, die die neuesten Dateien über unsere Facebook- and Twitter-Seite getestet haben), here is our latest PA 2010 11.62 release. While we are still heavily working on v11.70 new features, we decided to refresh final build to make sure you get some improvements and fixes that we could give you right away.
Here is what has been added to this release:
- Backup: You can now add 7-Zip AES file name encryption to the backup archives. Without proper password, nobody will be able to open these archives.
- Backup: 7-Zip spanning options have been added. In addition to previously available zip/zipx spanning, now you can also use 7-zip spanning in backup.
- 7-Zip SFX has been updated to the latest version posted on blogs in December.
- Optimizations: lowered the size of PowerArchiver’s main executable by 1 MB.
- Optimizations: reduced memory usage by 350 kb.
- Various minor improvements and fixes.
A lot more is coming in upcoming beta of 11.70, which is still few weeks away (no promises yet). You can download PA 11.62 from the download page. We expect rest of translations to be ready during the day tomorrow. Thank you!