Dear users,

We hope you are enjoying your new PowerArchiver 2018 as much as we do!

With PowerArchiver 2018, we have added several, sometimes very different interface options. Let’s try to explain them here:

  1. Classic interface – our standard, super fast interface with classic looking toolbar and file menu. It can be thoroughly skinned and skins will be applied to every part of the interface, including system’s open window. It also looks a lot better than Window’s recent half implemented skinning in Windows Explorer. Here are the two main options for Classic interface:
    • Skins – changing skins change various parts of interface, from colors to buttons and check boxes. Between our built in skins and those available on our website, there are 18 skins available right now!
    • Toolbar iconss – Changing toolbar icons will change only the icons on the classic toolbar. There are 3 options – Classic, Modern (Win 10) and Office icons. They can be combined independently with any skin above!
  2. Modern interface – our interface with Microsoft Ribbon! It uses your Windows built in Ribbon SDK to ensure maximum speed, memory usage and looks that match rest of the applications for your Windows version. This means that it will appear accordingly between Windows 10 and Windows 7. Modern interface comes with the Office icon set which can also be used in classic interface shown above.

Here are a couple of small tutorials that show how to change between different options:

For more classic interface skins, check out our new skinning section at the following link; clicking here.

PowerArchiver 2018, with the Advanced Codec Pack (.PA), is now available from our download page as well as Patchbeam for PowerArchiver 2018 users. Thank you for your support since 1998!